Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

Family fun!! It was good times here for All Hallow's. We brought the girl out trick or treating for the first time. That was very cute although the black cat seemed to have got her tongue. She didn't actually say trick or treat at all.
The weather today was beautiful. I have memories of freezing cold, pouring rain and even snow, but it could have been early September it was so mild. Which was wonderful, don't get me wrong. I am NOT complaining.
Sadie wasn't a big fan of the tiger hanging in front of her face but she did look adorable with a brown nose and whiskers. We saw a bunch of other kids in great costumes too.
We have our Jack O lantern burning bright but we won't get any kids being on the second floor of an apartment. Oh well, we all like our little cat dragon pumpkin.
Well, it is time for me to put this tiger to bed and dig into her loot!
Happy Halloween everyone.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Keeping it Real

Ahhh, it is late October and the weather is astounding! Oh Vancouver, you are making your people happy this year. Also it is my better half's birthday. Happy Birthday Mark!! Sadie and I got up to all sorts of fun and messy things today in your honor. There will be cake. Sadie wants to blow out the candles, we won't put on the whole 42. I put her down for a nap 30 minutes ago and I can still hear her in there calling me and yammering away. I am ignoring her though because I really want her to sleep so she will be in good form for tonites festivities.
Well, last weekend was the Fraser Valley Bead Show. I gotta say, it was pretty slow. The crowd was mostly older ladies, not the younger ladies whose lines you can find all over the city. People just weren't spending much myself included. I guess we all have more beads than we know what to do with. I did get a couple of things though. A quartz skull and some big, hunky, chunky black tourmaline.

What do you think of that? I doubt that I will be parting with the tourmaline. By choice I mean and not just due to the fact that my Etsy shop is seemingly dormant. Harhar. Well the girl hasn't given up on her quest to be freed from nap time. Too bad. I hope she can hold it together for Birthday dinner. Peace out kids. xo =)