Wednesday, March 2, 2011

For Angie

Ametrine: Mental clarity, overcoming fear. Can be used to help with mental fog and sluggishness.
Ametrine's vibrational pattern enhances brain processes and assists in mental endeavours. It stimulates the brain and aids in memory and information retention.

Rutilated Quartz: Brings a joyful vibration into the energetic field. Can help one feel less overwhelmed by responsibilities and can help with mental clarity.

Pyrite: Strengthens will, increases vitality, stimulates creativity in art, mathematics, sculpture etc.

Smokey Quartz: Very grounding. Transmutes negative energy into usable energy.

Rose Quartz: Gentle healing energy. Opens the heart chakra, helps us to treat ourselves and others with unconditional compassionate love. Rose quartz calms the mind releasing stress freeing up energy for healing.

Fluorite: Brings structure and and focus to incoherent energies. Fluorite can remedy confusion and instability. Stimulates the brain, balances brain chemistry and enhances learning and memory.

Angie, please put your wishes for yourself into the bracelet. Use the rose quartz skull to program the bracelet. Talk to him/her, ask the stones to assist your healing and your spirit.
Love to you on your healing journey. =)

Love from your mom.

All info has been taken directly from Naisha Ahsian's and Robert Simmons' Book Of Stones.

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